Floating Photovoltaic power plants

The new generation of photovoltaics uses the area
efficiently in water reservoirs

Floating PV plants have lower maintenance costs, help reduce evaporation and improve water quality in lakes and reservoirs
Floating photovoltaic power plants are a new type of renewable energy developing as an alternative to traditional onshore photovoltaic power plants. These plants are located on the water's surface, mounted on floats anchored to the bottom of the water.

Floating solar panels have several advantages over traditional photovoltaic power plants, such as lower maintenance costs, reduced water evaporation, and improved water quality in lakes and reservoirs. This type of solar power plant may be suitable for areas with limited land space and for improving the use of water areas.
Main advantages of floating PV power plants:
  • Use of unused area on water reservoirs
  • Lower maintenance costs compared to traditional onshore solar power plants
  • Improved water quality in lakes and reservoirs by
    reducing evaporation
  • Reduction of thermal pollution in reservoirs
  • Possibility to regulate the power plant output according to electricity demand
  • Increased performance of photovoltaic panels due to water cooling
  • Less land use requirements on land for photovoltaic power plants
  • Reduction of electricity transmission costs in remote areas where reservoirs are common
  • Rotating behind the sun without the need for complex mechanical equipment as in landbased PV systems
Scalable S-type design, wiring scheme can be customized in combination with the environment
Flexible and robust construction and wind and wave resistant cabling
The customized design of the anchoring system is suitable for different scenarios with varying water depths and water level fluctuations
Single and multi-cable solutions

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