CES Battery Boxes 

Hybrid intelligent systems for electricity storage and distribution

We have installed more than 20 000 CES Battery Boxes in homes and industrial facilities

Most of us depend on electricity for our livelihoods, and it is hard to imagine a world without a regular supply. Energy trends go hand in hand with the response to the state of the environment and the extraction of energy from unsustainable sources.
The future of our complete energy independence lies in an intelligent system of decentralized renewable generation, specifically in the energy independence of every household.
This fact, together with the unbearable rise in energy prices and the integral issue of energy security, has forced us to think about an affordable solution for everyone. The result is a product we are incredibly proud of - the CES BATTERY BOX three-phase system.
We combine the production of electricity from renewable sources with the storage of electricity and the satisfaction of specific energy requirements.
Thanks to a freely adjustable battery bank and smart control, you have the unique opportunity to manage your own generated energy in the best possible way and cover your own household consumption at the required time.
If you are concerned about the energy security of your industrial plant, you can rely on our solution to provide the necessary power even in times of grid failure.
Get your own household
power station producing
energy from renewable
Have a clear head
without any worries even
in the times of ongoing
energy price increases
Life self-sufficiently thanks
to an average 1500 sun
hours in the year
Do not worry even in
case of energy fall-outs
in distribution network
Hybrid system CES Battery Box for households
The main goal is energy independence from the distribution system and maximum use of the generated electricity with self-implemented optimization.
CES Battery Box Industrial Solutions
We offer systems designed with tailored technology for the DC side with dual battery control or tailored
technology for the AC/DC side with autonomous operation.

Ready to explore our solutions? 

Let's schedule a meeting or call.
(c) 2024 NWT Holding s.r.o.